Friday, 14 March 2014

Other tips for new mums by Not Another Mummy Blog

Check out this helpful blog by 'Not Another Mummy Blog'

3. Meet up with other new mums

The key here is other NEW mums.  I used to spend time with mums who were on number 2 or 3 and ended up unconsciously comparing myself to them.  It was like trying to run before I could walk, I was trying to be a super yummy mummy ahead of my time!  The moment I started hanging out with other new mums, oh the joy! The sheer joy of hearing other people say what you'd be thinking cannot be underestimated.  I won't forget having my first coffee with 2 new mummy friends and feeling instantly liberated as we shared stories of our labour, the days immediately afterwards, the sleepless nights, the difficulties breast-feeding and the absolute emotional roller coaster that becoming a new mum is.  The chance to laugh about these shared experiences is undeniably therapeutic.

In a funny way, it reminded me of being single.  All my experiences, whether good or bad could be turned into a hilarious story when shared with similar friends and after all, a problem shared is a problem halved!

As the weeks and months have ticked on and my circle of lovely new mummy friends have grown, I like to think that we're all becoming yummy mummies….albeit it with the occasional bit of baby sick on our shoulders!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

2. Get some fresh air

Try to get out of the house daily.  Whether for a 10 minute stroll to the shops or for an hour's walk, the fresh air seems to have a wonderfully healing affect.  I always find my mind is much clearer after a walk and now that the weather is just starting to remind us that we're coming into Spring I find myself feeling refreshed.

If you're walking on your own, turn your attention to the scenery and don't forget to look up.  I always find that my own worries seem lessened somehow by looking up at the sky and clouds above and reminding myself how small I am in terms of the earth or universe!!

The other bonus of this is that more often than not your baby will fall asleep and no matter how bad your night has been or how much your baby has cried during the day, staring at their little face asleep will fill your heart with love.