Tuesday, 25 February 2014

1. Meditation / Mindfulness

I've found meditation to be an extremely helpful method of dealing with baby blues.  By just setting aside 10 minutes a day (I try to do it when I've put my son down for his lunch time nap) I find that I can significantly improve my mood.  This is particularly true when I'm feeling overwhelmed by lots of thoughts bouncing around my head.

There are many ways in which you can meditate or become more mindful and there has been a recent surge of articles in the press about this.  If you want to learn more, then I would recommend reading 'Wherever you go, there you are' by Jon Kabat-Kinn.  There is also a very useful app that guides you through daily meditations Get some head space

To start you off - here is a simple 3 minute exercise.  It's up to you whether you want to sit cross-legged on a cushion on the floor, sit on a chair or even lie flat on the floor (beware of falling asleep though with this one though!).

  • Minute 1 - Let your eyes close and start to tune in to the sensations in your body.  Imagine scanning slowly down the body from your head to your toes.  Notice any areas that may feel tense, notice how just this awareness may be enough for that area to relax.

  • Minute 2 - Start to tune in to your breathing, notice the sensation of the air entering and leaving the body.  Maybe you can feel the air as it brushes over your top lip, maybe you can feel your chest expand and collapse.  Feel how reassuring and comfortable it is to just be with the breath.

  • Minute 3 - Move out from the breath and back to your body.  Again use a body scan to go from your head to your toes and notice any remaining areas of tension (if you have any!).  Start to tune in to the sounds around you, first sounds close to you and then sounds further away.  When you're ready open your eyes.
When you do this exercise, notice how your attention may drift away and get lost in a thought - if you notice this, allow your attention to be redirected to the here and now.  It is not important that each stage is exactly one minute, take as long as you like!

Let me know how you get on!

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